The St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association was formed in 1966 by the deceased Sister Theresa Louisy, who was a registered nurse in the rural community of Bexon. She had observed at the time the current high birth rate in the community as well as existing standards of malnutrition among the children of the area, and decided that something had to be done in order to control the high birth rate.
Sister Theresa Louisy contacted Dr. John Gibling, a Government Medical Officer and together they laid the foundation of family planning in St. Lucia. Sister Louisy was transferred to Castries shortly after and plans were made to organize an appropriate committee to gain formal recognition by government.
Activities of Information and Education programs began in 1967 in rural areas with individual counselling, mainly to the fifty-five (55) year and upwards. This age group was selected in order to eradicate superstitious beliefs as well as explode the myth among them that more children would serve as a security for old age. Later it became necessary to intensify new communities including Castries. “Market Steps” talks were introduced with Sister Louisy (deceased) being the principal speaker. It was then that her husband Mr. Raymond Louisy (deceased) joined her.
The St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association applied and obtained membership of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) in 1968, after which Mr. Louisy was selected to attend a course in family planning in the United Stated of America. He was then appointed to the post of Executive Director until his retirement in1990.
In October 1990, Mr. John La-Force became the new Executive Director after the retirement of Mr. Louisy. In September 1996, the Association appointed its first female Executive Director, Mrs. Audrey George.
Over this period, the St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association has grown considerably. Starting with the discussions on the “Market Steps” the St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association has grown into a strong and viable voluntary organization complete with a clinic, a program department, an administration department and a youth center.
four prestigious awards
In the last decade St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association received prestigious awards namely:
RARE award
RARE award for outstanding contribution to RARE centre Family Planning Initiative -1999
IPPF Vision 2000 award -1999
Award for outstanding SRH services – 2000 &2006
WEST Wind Award for outstanding achievement in the area of ACCESS – 2007 & 2015
CARISMA Award (outstanding Leadership and dedication) 2010- 2015